August 9th and after weeks of endless sunshine the heavens opened to soak the parched countryside.
Of course it did it was the evening of the W.I. summer meeting and rain is positively traditional for the occasion. However, the elements did not win as after years of ducking the weather for this outdoor event we have cunningly changed our garden meetings to indoors ,simple but effective.
The community centre is decorated with flowers and attractive table settings, we are warm and dry with lots of good food all organised by the ladies of the committee.
As the members gathered for the evening they were greeted with a Pimms or a soft drink and
encouraged to buy a raffle ticket or two as they chatted together waiting for the main event to
commence. It has to be said that our members are a pretty smart bunch and really get into the
summer theme as they come dressed fit for a garden party at Buck House, lovely. A few safety notices and a splendid rendition of Jerusalem then the feasting commenced.
There was a lovely summer buffet of salads, meat ,cheese and bread rolls followed by some
scrumptious desserts and more cheese and biscuits, plenty for everyone and pretty much all home made, we have yet to master cheese making and bread making takes forever. All this followed by tea and coffee and supported by some music from the 60s and 70s which had a few ladies moving in interesting ways and throwing some impressive shapes ,still got it.
The evening passed quickly , the raffle was drawn and slowly the members left the party and made for home the rain having stopped . It was a good evening and thanks to all the workers and all who joined in the fun.
Our next meeting will be on September 13 th when Jo Statham will give a talk on Alfred Hitchcock films, this is an open meeting so non members are welcome to join us , there will be a small charge for refreshments. Come and try us out you just might like us. Prue Rush