W.I. March 2019. Stradbroke W.I. Report. For our open meeting last month, we had an excellent turn out of thirty four members, and welcomed fourteen visitors. We began the evening with a rendition of Jerusalem. Thanks to our hostesses, Annie and Jennifer who provided delightful posies for members with March birthdays. We were then treated to a wonderful talk by Mark Mitchels on the life of Beatrix Potter. He began by reminding us that her books had been enjoyed by children for over 100 years, and that they were as popular today as they ever were, with a copy sold somewhere in the world every fifteen seconds. They have been translated into many languages, the second most popular being Japanese. Beatrix was brought up in an upper class Victorian household by a very remote mother, a father to whom she was very close, and a much adored governess. Her collection of pets was most likely a substitute for friends. Her father was a keen photographer and so her childhood and later life were well recorded in photographs. Her governess, Annie Carter, left to get married when Beatrix was nineteen, and her first book, Peter Rabbit began life as an illustrated letter to Annie’s son, who was her godson. In 1830, Beatrix bought a rabbit who she called Benjamin Bouncer, and used him as a model for a set of Christmas cards which she sold as a set “The Happy Pair”. She was to prove to have a good head for business. Her books were published by Frederick Warne and she developed a strong relationship with a director, Norman Warne, but sadly he died before they could be married. She had spent many childhood holidays in the Lake District and bought Hill Top Farm in Cumbria, finally managing to break away from her parents, and marrying William Heales in 1910. She became well known for her love and knowledge of farming and when she died, left her estate of fifteen farms to the National Trust, with the instruction that there was to be no hunting on the land. Mark’s talk was truly informative and entertaining, and Caroline gave a very appreciative vote of thanks. Our next meeting will be a Silent Auction on 11th April Gill then closed the meeting with a reminder that we will be holding our Soup and Cake Lunch on Saturday 6th April to donate to the Blossom Appeal, which is raising funds for a state-of-the-art breast care facility at the Ipswich hospital. Please support us by buying a ticket, which cost £6 each. Thank you
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Stradbroke has a wealth of opportunity for those looking to get out, develop skills, meet people and take part! Read The Stradbroke Monthly each month for more information from all these groups and activities. Some of them are shown below! Want to add your village organisation? Email text and photo to webmaster@stradbroke.org.uk
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Stradbroke Good Neighbours
Our telephone number is 07749 445531 Need a lift to the Surgery or for an appointment at hospital? Collect a prescription? Change a light bulb? Check your smoke alarm or an odd job done? Our Volunteers will be happy to help you. There will be a mileage charge for journeys undertaken by our drivers and we will inform you of the mileage charge when you phone for assistance. We would appreciate at least 24 hours notice and will be happy to assist you.
Stradbroke Baptist Church
Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Rd, Stradbroke Contact John Ling 388751 (Elder) © Copyright Adrian Cable (see photo)
All Saints Church
All Saints Church Warden: Peter Chetwynd 01379 384069 Rev'd Susan Loxton 01379 388493
All Saints Fundraising Committee
Contact Mary Ellis
Royal British Legion
Stradbroke and District Branch - Contact Michael Burton
Stradbroke WI
Click on the link to view upcoming activities from the Stradbroke WI
Stradbroke Library
Stradbroke Library is in the Court House on Queens Street. Click on the link fro opening times and further information.
Community Centre Cinema
Stradbroke Sports & Community Centre Cinema present popular films at regular intervals. Cost £5.50 adults, £3 for 16 years old and under.
Stradbroke Hand Bells
A small group who meet every fortnight on a Wednesday in the Club Room of the Community Centre from 7pm - 8pm. Come along and listen, or even join in!
Wingfield Barns
Not in Stradbroke, nut very close by in the beautiful village of Wingfield this rural entertainment venue is always worth checking out for an amazing array of events and gigs.
Stradbroke Cricket Club
The oldest Cricket Club in Suffolk, Stradbroke Cricket Club has been running since 1743, Always happy to welcome new players and supporters!
Stradbroke & District Bowls Club
If you are new to the village/area come and be involved with the club and the community. Through out the season we have non- league roll ups on the green on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 2-4 pm which is when members play against each other in friendly competition this is a great way to become involved with the game.
Stradbroke Tennis Club
The tennis courts are situated behind the Community Centre and next to the Swimming Pool. There is an active club who welcome new members.
Stradbroke Allotment & Gardeners Ass
The Allotments Association efficiently run their site and a café called the Black Barn Café. Follow them on Facebook!
Stradisphere Music Festival
Every year villagers run a music festival called Stradisphere. It has been nominated every year for UK Festival Awards and is out of this world! All information on the website. Follow the link...
The Court House
The Court House Café is now open on Thursdays and Saturdays 10 am until 12.30. An initial offer for £2 includes coffee or tea cake or sausage roll. Drop into the Café for some light refreshment or just a friendly chat and a look at the local paper. Free WiFi available too!
Radio Stradbroke
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