Commentators on COP26 say the necessary action is for nations to act on practical climate plans, which include swapping emissions of fossil fuels from source, particularly coal, for renewables, and funding citizens properly to be energy efficient. We must lock fossil fuels in the ground to control our futures. There will be post-COP26 annual reviews of nations.
Updates and information: See the United Nations publication, www.news.un.org/en (menu: Topics/Climate Change). Also, brief, accurate information is available on concerned sites such as, www.goodenergy.co.uk/blog (go to menu: Learn/Climate Change for short articles). East Anglian councils are active in making changes and need our help in cutting out fossil fuels. You might wish to change to renewable energy and/or discuss this with friends and family. Spread the word!
Our energy bills are going up. Although we have no mains gas in Stradbroke, gas in the major cause and it affects all electricity prices. Wholesale gas prices from all generators, including electric, are continuing to rise for 2022. This is one more reason to move to renewables, so UK is not reliant on gas and volatile fossil fuel markets. Renewables are among the cheapest ways to generate power.
Save money in Stradbroke
Free, detailed, reliable Groundwork leaflets on how to save water, heating, lighting bills, costs, pros and cons, etc, in your own home are available NOW in Stradbroke Library. These include:
No cost actions Solar Panels Heat pumps
Roof and Loft Insulation DIY Draught Proofing Green Energy Tariffs
LED Lighting
and you can order others, such as Water Efficiency. Ask the librarians.
www.stradbroke.org the Village Website, with links to Suffolk County Council --Environment/Climate Change
sarahgill@groundwork.org.uk 07720 08890 and www.groundwork.org.uk
See also: www.ethicalconsumer.org for useful links and ideas on energy and its production’s cost to the environment.
Toni Wisbey
SPC Climate Change Group