Stradbroke Parish Council Climate Change Group Groundwork East Green
Champions Follow up Survey
Groundwork East, working on behalf of Suffolk County Council, have asked Stradbroke householders to take a second, final 5 minute survey on their household energy saving habits (whether they have modified or not) since:
• Green Champions visited 400 households in October
• articles in the Stradbroke Magazine, etc and village posters
• Advice leaflets and tips on request in the library.
Groundwork East will review and compare the household actions of villagers towards savings in energy, to see what impact Groundwork had, and how much carbon has been saved by
Please note: Survey closes 28th February, 2022
Links available online at the Stradbroke Village Website (
and Stradbroke Parish Council on Facebook.
You may also call Sarah Gill on 07720 098980 if you prefer the survey by telephone.
Thank you everyone!